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What are the huge advantages hidden behind the telescopic excavator arm

Published by HuiTong 2024-05-08

Perhaps in the minds of some people, the telescopic excavator arm of an excavator is not considered a face-saving machine. In these people's eyes, they think that the telescopic arm is very ordinary and cannot support the big scene. But Huitong Heavy Industry wants to say that the telescopic excavator arm of the digger that you look down on has a huge advantage behind it! Not to mention that it has special advantages for buildings, subways, and high-speed rails. Just dealing with rivers and lakes can show its advantages. So how does it work? Next, Huitong Heavy Industry will come to reveal the answer.


telescopic excavator arm


In recent years, many countries have been learning China’s concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", leading people to develop in the direction of cleaner waters and better living environments. The first thing they have to solve is the problem of river and lake governance. River and lake governance is a big project that involves different places and requires systematic planning to solve this problem and improve the appearance of the river. In recent years, they have used the telescopic arms of excavators to control the rivers and lakes by controlling pollution and building solid barriers; with the concept of ecological restoration, they have created beautiful rivers and lakes.

telescopic excavator arm


In addition, the unique performance of the telescopic excavator arm is particularly suitable for pipeline construction. Therefore, many people use it to build many rainwater pipes and weave a new rainwater pipe network underground, which can be realized by many residents and public places. Rain and sewage diversion. This is a microcosm of creating a "zero direct discharge of sewage" area and accelerating the completion of the "short board" of the ecological environment.


telescopic excavator arm


With the help of the telescopic excavator arm, the facilities to manage rivers and lakes have been completed, but rivers and lakes control not only rely on facilities and equipment, but also rely on later maintenance and maintenance, only input protection in people’s minds Rivers and lakes, the notion that everyone is responsible, can keep a satisfactory ecological environment normal. Otherwise, even if the telescopic excavator arm has a greater advantage, it is useless.
